List of some most important laravel artisan commands and their uses
What is laravel artisan commands?
Artisan is the command-line interface (CLI) for Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application. Some of the tasks that Artisan can help with include:
To use Artisan, you need to open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project. From there, you can type in various Artisan commands to perform various tasks. For example, to migrate the database, you would run the php artisan migrate command.
Artisan is an extremely powerful and flexible tool, and it can save you a lot of time and effort when developing your Laravel application.
Top 10 laravel most important artisan commands
Here is a list of some Laravel Artisan Commands |
php artisan migrate |
php artisan make:controller |
php artisan make:model |
php artisan make:migration |
php artisan make:seeder |
php artisan make:test |
php artisan make:request |
php artisan make:job |
php artisan make:listener |
php artisan make:middleware |
1. php artisan migrate
php artisan migrate is a command that is used to apply and roll back database migrations in a Laravel application. Migrations are a way to manage the database schema of your application. They allow you to define the structure of your database tables and columns in a set of PHP files.
2. php artisan make:controller
it is a command that is used to create a new controller class in a Laravel application. A controller is a PHP class that handles HTTP requests and returns a response. In Laravel, controllers are typically used to handle logic for routes, and they can also contain methods for handling form submissions, validating data, and performing other tasks.
3. php artisan make:model
php artisan make:model is a command that is used to create a new Eloquent model class in a Laravel application. An Eloquent model is a PHP class that represents a database table. To create a new model using the make:model command, you need to specify the name of the model class that you want to create.
4. php artisan make:migration
php artisan make:migration is a command that is used to create a new database migration in a Laravel application. A migration is a PHP class that is used to define the structure of a database table. To create a new migration using the make:migration command, you need to specify the name of the migration and an optional "--create" or "--table" option to indicate the type of migration you want to create.
5. php artisan make:seeder
In Laravel, the php artisan make:seeder command is used to create a new database seeder class.
A database seeder is a class that populates the database with a set of data for testing purposes.
To use the make:seeder command, you will need to specify the name of the seeder class that you want to create. For example:
php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder
6. php artisan make:test
In the Laravel framework for PHP, the php artisan make:test command is used to create a new test class.
This command can be used to create various types of test classes, such as unit tests, feature tests, and so on.
Here's an example of how you might use this command:
php artisan make:test UserTest
7. php artisan make:request
This command is used to create a new form request class.
Form request classes are used to validate incoming HTTP requests before they are passed to your controllers.
Here's an example of how you might use this command:
php artisan make:request StoreBlogPost
This would create a new form request class called StoreBlogPost in the app/Http/Requests directory of your Laravel application. The form request class would contain some basic boilerplate code and be ready for you to add your own validation rules.
8. php artisan make:job
In the Laravel framework for PHP, the php artisan make:job command is used to create a new job class.
Jobs are used to perform tasks asynchronously in Laravel, such as sending emails, importing data, and so on.
Here's an example of how you might use this command:
php artisan make:job ProcessPodcast
You can then dispatch this job using the dispatch method:
use App\Jobs\ProcessPodcast;
dispatch(new ProcessPodcast($podcast));
9. php artisan make:listener
php artisan make:listener is a command in the Laravel framework that you can use to create a new event listener class. Event listeners are classes that are designed to listen for specific events that are dispatched by the application, and perform some action when those events occur.
To use the make:listener command, you will need to have the Laravel framework installed and set up on your machine. You can run the command by opening a terminal window, navigating to the root directory of your Laravel project, and typing php artisan make:listener, followed by the name of the listener class that you want to create.
10. php artisan make:middleware
The php artisan make:middleware command is used to create a new middleware class.
Middleware are used to filter HTTP requests that pass through your application, such as for authentication, rate limiting, and so on.
Here's an example of how you might use this command:
php artisan make:middleware CheckAge
This would create a new middleware class called CheckAge in the app/Http/Middleware directory of your Laravel application.
The middleware class would contain some basic boilerplate code and be ready for you to add your own middleware logic.
You can then register this middleware in the Http/Kernel.php file, like this:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'age' => \App\Http\Middleware\CheckAge::class,
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